Thursday, November 24, 2005

Cystic Fibrosis Longest Life Expectancy

77 - Luis Peña Ganchegui

Following the series of architects they had their moment of greatest apotheosis in decades today's turn Ganchegui Luis Peña. And after visiting here its magnificent site, documented to the fullest, with a rich visual documentation of each of their projects, without great animation and design web to mask the reality, only showing its architecture. His most famous work is the Plaza Tennis in San Sebastian, poetry in stone written with the pen of another master, Eduardo Chillida. The papers presented on the web in part stem from a CD created on the occasion of an award in 1999, why not see their recent creations. It's funny how these teachers spend their last years away in popularity when it should be all contrario.Visitadla because surely go out with something learned.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Age Of Empires 2.0a No Cd

76 - Quetglas, Master and Llinás

Last week I attended a conference-puppet theater by Mestre Josep Bartomeu Quetglas and organized by the delegation of students from the ETSA of Seville. A Mestre did not know and certainly is an interesting character as they come. Quetglas And that means that you always learn. The conversation turned to the work of Josep Llinás, stopping at various themes in the work of this architect, his understanding of things. And exposed to the way the new work to be open these days, it is the Jaume Fuster Library in the Plaza de Lesseps in the Gracia district of Barcelona. Lack of main facade and the broken line that marks throughout the building as a continuation of the mountains seen in the background are some of the peculiarities highlighted in exposure. We will have to stop and look more thoroughly.

Monday, November 7, 2005

External Graphics Card

75 - Akira Sakamoto

I could not very well determine whether the contemporary Japanese architecture is coming to the West or is it just the opposite. What is clear is that the production of architects such as Akira Sakamoto seems more typical of the style of someone born on the shores of the Mediterranean than someone from the Far East. Here on their website we can find most of his works, which include their homes, which would highlight among other details that achieved both natural lighting artificial achieved in all cases. The apparent simplicity that gets far from immediate guess it will be the fruit of that difficult process of removing unnecessary elements, but thought a moment, perhaps there is some privileged people who do not need this last step.

Pattern Making Gothic

74 - 73 Rascacielos

is curious interest that lift the skyscrapers in front of other buildings even in people who in principle are not at all interested in architecture. And speaking of skyscrapers have to talk about the biggest museum of skyscrapers there: New York. We can find lots of information, such as visiting my SkyscraperCity forum, but if I have any right now would recommend this to here, the Skyscraper Museum page and its various applications in which a totally ordered we can find many details and images skyscrapers registered there. Undoubtedly one step further on the topic of geolocation.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Hack Laser Rangefinder

- Schloss-Arkaden

time ago I spent a year in German lands, specifically in Braunschweig, a town in the north, between Hanover and Berlin. Some of the most interesting recent architecture we can see there are Meinhard von Gerkan, a famous German architect on which there is published a collection of all his work that I recommend to everyone. You can see their website here . This serves as an introduction to present a new project in this city, which in this case we will be able to see how it is creating through the installation of a webcam near you. This is the new shopping center "Schloss-Arkaden" of more than 30,000 square meters Grazioli & Muthesius study and reconstruction of the old palace was destroyed in 1960, won the contest in December 2003.

Model of the new shopping center

This image is reloaded each time you refresh the page

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Watertown Ny Outlet Mall

72 - Frank Gehry

Frank Gehry is doing in the new headquarters Elciego Marquis de Riscal continuing the work of several architects on the theme of the wineries. Jerez Fisac \u200b\u200bacted in many years ahead of this flood-wine-marketing architecture being produced today. And seeing the image of construction reminds me of the words of one teacher I had, which in summary acknowledged that when he was still starting to plan for the plant, and then extrude the volumes. I imagine that Gehry will not follow the same method. What worries me most is the control of the machine is, if the forms are that way because he wants them to be so, or is this because the machine are provided. I like seeing this picture I lose, I will continue doing shoebox.

Telechargerpokemon Frigo Returns

71 - Steven Hollo

One of the international architects who first drew my attention several years ago by Steven Holl through their apartment in Fukuoka. Since then I have liked follow its path. And he has built several iconic works for me as the Residence for the MIT Simmons Hall by the Baker House by Alvar Aalto. Visiting their website here note that over the Pratt Institute in New York and back again to amaze me. It's nice to watch as a number of seemingly everyday items has created its own language, most recognizable in all its work without getting a sculptural gestures that characterize and make reconocibles.Como result of all this comes a close and understandable architecture. As simple and as difficult as that.

Simmons Hall, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Pratt Institute Higgins Hall Center Wing, Brooklyn, New York

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ny World Record Great White Shark Size

70 - IV Meetings of Architecture

For those who are a bit confused these days on the Internet a good option is to follow the lectures offered Found in Architecture IV held in Santiago de Compostela via their website you can find here . A good opportunity to see what we have Carlos Jimenez, Kengo Kuma, David Adjaye, Holly & Alonso, Souto de Moura, Adela Garcia Herrera, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Alfonso Penela, Navarro Baldeweg, Wiel Arets, Louis Grossman, Wilfried Wang, Alberto Kalach, and Patxi Baumschlager & Eberle Mangado. If he's not expected but would be a good idea to keep these conferences some time to watch them more quietly and do not miss anything.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Aspiration In Bulldogs

69 - Luis Seoane

Listening Scalae the next installment of the podcast appears in conversation with Mario Roberto Alvarez Luis Seoane.Rescato figure from oblivion this text found in the exhibition TRIBUTE LA TORRE DE HERCULES, 49 DRAWINGS OF LUIS SEOANE I visited at his foundation in La Coruña and in its day and caught my atención.Aunque the context in which it was written not era architecture can be applied perfectly to el.Ultimamente'm reading about the different project processes and without a doubt, what is described in the following lines, is one of the clearest examples of how an idea can dream.

is curious what they see for not wanting to see some people. I close my eyes and see what I want. Ever fancied that even the smell of sea or of that village. Also
ever wanted to see the Irish coast who spoke the old Coruña look no clear horizon of a good clear day opening his eyes more than any other day, but I simply close the eyes to see and yet was an afternoon of thick fog. These characters evokes today, closing eyes just draw.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Ancient Art Labia Stretching

68 - National Architecture Award

Well as I have read in the Diario de Sevilla Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra has won the National Prize for Architecture for his work on recovery of the waterfront "Open Vigo the sea. " In this action also include buildings Esteve Bonell & Josep M. Gil for the seat of the Xunta de Galicia and a mall are carrying out the brothers Saenz Guerra. Know the situation before but after having been there more than once I think a draft quality indudable.Aunque if I had to stay with some Vázquez Consuegra would work with the city of Tomar, where his work reaches a very high standards autóctono.Una rooting modernity with good news that reward the good.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Program Magazin Unirea 26 Dec

67 - Corrales and Molezún

Of all the English flags that have been submitted to the universal exhibitions perhaps the Corrales and Molezún EXPO'58 Brussels for the most recognition. It would be nice to try to make a compilation of all these flags that have represented us. I have my hands on the book by the Projects Department ETSAM which collects all information about this flag from the contest for the election to their final installation at Casa de Campo de Madrid. The current situation is also of almost total neglect and threw me for a proposal that is sure to not come to fruition, but that more than one share. These days it is creating a lot of controversy surrounding the creation of a future museum of English architecture, which by all indications will be held in Salamanca. Well, as much imaginareis, my proposal is to move the museum pavilion and Molezún Corrales. This would get to save one of the most representative works of modern architecture after the war. Of course all under the coordination of Jose Antonio Corrales, which know their current situation, but surely it's illusionary idea.

Mini Blisters On Feet

66 - Miguel Fisac \u200b\u200b

As often that one gets in front of the monitor found the other day a story that caught my attention. In this case was about the neglect suffered by the hermitage of Guadalix de la Sierra, Miguel Fisac \u200b\u200bwork, which is in a state of near ruin. This served as an excuse for me to review the work of this architect rebel, as he called Campo Baeza, and discover some of his eventful life, more characteristic of the protagonist of the following acclaimed novel by Dan Brown so far. In his writings can learn a great deal, I for my part, I prefer the way that tells how your project addresses. Directly copy what I've read, of a clarity and sincerity of those who own have nothing to hide.

First, consider more fully the possible everything that is related to the project and answer the question why? after obtaining a thorough knowledge of space required by that program, because the architecture is a set of spaces for human actions. I defined as "a piece of air humanized." We materialize graphically charts and tables.

Second, complete the information gained in response to the first question, with this other where? And analyzed the circumstances of place: urban or rustic, buildings or other natural, historical, artistic or other circumstances which have to be part of their environment and in general everything about the site.

Third, when I have the necessary information, including economic or other nature, I happen to think (and not earlier) how this project could be done architecturally both structurally and formally?

If, as I believe it is ordinarily would have begun to realize the project the answer to this question, we would have some knowledge that is taken into account and are useful to guide us towards a solution tailored to this case and possibly containing new suggestions. On the other hand the guidelines have broad enough to have several solutions, enabling them to analyze all and choose which seems more appropriate.

I have the conviction, and so I tell my clients that the solution fourteen is better than guns.

remains, finally, the need to add to the solution that I look more successful, a poetic touch. "One does not know" to do that which is technically correct construction, aspire to become a work of art.

Monday, October 10, 2005

How To Get Tech Deck To Create My Boards

65 - Scalae

last few days you can listen to a podcast on architecture blogs with several participants among whom I encounter. First of all thank Scalae iniciativa.Para interest and the most clueless or arriving late to a podcast is like a radio program, with the peculiarity that you can download at any time and listen from your computer or device capable of playing mp3. You can download it here all issues that have been made so far. Scalae are Felix Arranz and Paola Mascioli, the which have also created their blogs to which you can access from our links.

Gta Sahow To Get Biohazard

Podcast 64 - Urban Parks

If you try to project in itself is a complicated building, designing urban spaces, at least for me, a doubly difficult task. To design a building have a large number of items that could list almost by heart. This reminds me of a book which was made an analogy between architecture and spelling in the letters came to be the architectural elements (walls, pillars, windows, stairs ...) and his wise choice, as in architecture dependía el ingenio del escritor o del arquitecto... Pero el número de elementos se reduce cuando lo que intentamos crear es un paisaje urbano. En su momento el que más me gustaba de este tipo de espacios era el Parque Andre Citroën del arquitecto Jean Paul Viguier en Paris. Para mí venía a ser el menos es mas del paisaje. Después de ver aquí la página de la exposición que tuvo lugar recientemente en el MOMA me apunto unos cuantos más.

Pros And Cons Of Plaque Removal

63 - Aburto, neutral and Wright

En estos últimos días estoy leyendo un par de libros que son bastante interesantes. En primer lugar el libro "Rafael Aburto, architect. The other modernity "Iñaki Bergera, belonging to the collection Arquithesis. Get Aburto convey the personality to the point of being affectionate without knowing and understanding and can not be separated in many characters, his work with his life. Aburto is an introverted character , who has never wanted to turn its architecture in the media, so far from what is currently in vogue. It is curious its near disappearance of the architectural scene unconsciously displaced by new generations renovadoras.Actualmente can attend as not, another exhibition on the Archery work in the Nuevos Ministerios in Madrid.

And the second is a small joya.Se is the book "RJNeutra" published in 1968 by the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction and Cement. Apart from reviewing the work of Neutra contains a series of writings and experiences sent to F. Cassinello Neutra, after meeting him after his visit to Spain, for publication. The first part is very interesting especially when he recounts his beginnings in the architecture of the hand of Loos and Frank Lloyd Wright. This last comment as impressed by their first houses on the prairie, he decides to go to America to know and to get there is surprised that the situation described the owners. As an example quoted the Robie house to be built fifteen years had changed five times a tenant.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Aoe Expansion Rising Of Rome Full Version

62 - Construction

bad We used to see the architectural works already completed and only if we have a post in front of us to go beyond the plan, elevation, section and photos of rigor we can intuit as it is built. here in this blog, you can follow the implementation process from the beginning of a home study is being conducted in Japan. Constructively, it seems a very interesting document which unfortunately rarely going to be able to see how a work is embodied in a country, at least for me, so far. If any reading this overlooks some of the language Japan and dares to translate something would be wonderful to know that is what they write in each blog entry.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mucinex D And Alcohol

Japon 61 - Alejandro de la loft

As always surfing the Internet I Found a story related to a exposicion.Pero this I Come in a few months later. Not happening lately but there are exhibitions of architecture everywhere. Will it be that the architecture is fashion? Although time had discovered could not have visited as stated in Zurich and Munich. This is a compilation of work on Alejandro de la Sota of the hands of students at the University of Munich, where he is Professor Victor Cote Lopez several years ago. Everyone knows who worked with De la Sota and imagine being with one of the great masters of English architecture leaves its mark eternamente.Como could not see it here I will continue looking the collection of photos on perhaps the most recognized, along Civil Government of Tarragona, the work of De la Sota. These are the classrooms of the College Maravillas.Mas forty years after its construction, it still seems fantastic.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Addison's Disease And Frequent Urination In Dogs

60 - Fine Arts

From Charles Batteaux list invented for the Fine Arts list perhaps the sculpture and painting have been the two most influential in architecture. Much has been said and written about the architecture as form and today more than ever to challenge the sculpture led to an architectural scale is perhaps the main tool used by many architects to impose their diseños.Todo this reminded me remembering Roberto Ercilla conference on the occasion of a series on Jorge Oteiza, which shows several contemporary projects are copied almost verbatim works of renowned sculptors. To see these conferences pasate by here. If at the stage of the avant-garde painting was used, now utlize sculpture, perhaps the future is to combine architecture with some de las bellas artes restantes. ¿por cúal de ellas apuestas tú? ¿Danza, música, literatura, cinematografía, fotografía...?