crows and pirate captains Once, a crow with a broken wing flying over the sea and found an eagle on a rock tired, plucked and broken beak.
Crow said
- I can not fly
And the eagle with a sad smile said
- Forget your broken wing and will fly higher than I ever did.
The Raven hesitated for a second and then began to fly, high, very high, until he heard the sound of a siren and fell to the sea.
The little mermaid smiled, and he heard her singing enthralled. Until the siren went back to diving and the raven watching his wake, he felt alone, and wandered through the sea searching for his mermaid.
But a stormy night, as he dodged the rain that threatened to throw him into the sea in the distance saw a flag with a skull and approached.
Although warned his men that he was a bad omen, the captain, lame and blind in one eye, which had fought a thousand battles, let him land on his shoulder. They looked the eyes and for a time forgot the storm.
The storm passed, and the crow went looking for his Siren and living of fishing at sea while the captain was approaching boats.
But stormy nights turned their eyes toward the moon and looking into the distance.
sometimes met and the secrets of the sea whispering in his ear, other, under the halo of the moon, moved on.
The Crow forgot the siren who disappeared at sea and the captain was bored the brightness of the doubloons.
The weary eagle from time to time, abandoned its rock and flew over the ship with the full moon, with his sad smile and an accomplice, he walked away into the depths the stormy sea.
Until one day, exhausted, fell into the waves.
And nobody ever knew, the end of the story, the crow and captain lame and blind in one eye.