Well ... appears that the hangover lasts longer than the established and nobody here is to pronounce on what happened last weekend in Benidorm .

icebreaker attached photograph, or rather the scanned card TOO we opened the doors during the weekend (For the record the card was not to break the ice, figuratively speaking.) Happy little card with the "all inclusive" We made our own once again and even the waiters came to sing the ballad such as "... not go to the bar-aaaa-aaa ..." In the end it was like having a barracks in Benidorm. After closing the hotel bar, Benidorm enjoyed our presence in the streets, the place almost deserted bar melted in praise to come in for drinks on their premises and a group of ten people to The Munton three in the morning we were hunting. Good thing the taxi drivers knew how fortunate lead to good places.

In order that as I see in the polls was a weekend to repeat. Nothing "Xiquets (Tots) to set a date and enjoy it again to 25 years in row is not done every day ... that you enjoy it
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