Finally we approach those dates so endearing to some and so hated for others ... is that if something is Christmas is that we leave no one indifferent. For us it means the beginning of the countdown from the day January 1 start counting the months until our Moors and Christians . Another year more festive, more prepared, more powder, other dreams, other circumstances ... parties finally restarted. here Row The Munton wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
New Clothes Smell Funny
A year kick-started or flag waving, as taken as the beginning of a year or final festive. In our particular case as we prefer to take it home, and held that after the holidays and the summer break the batteries are charged pending further festive celebrations.
Forward to befall as we would link to the website of the Union St. Boniface Martyr celebrations where we can find the events to be held in such rare cases, and the days to be held these acts. Highlights this year's festive music concert day November 8 by the Virgin Music Association Remedy of Petrer , grouping that from here we want to thank their generous cooperation and unconditional support in what happens to the premiere of our pasodoble " The Munton , 25 anys i molt months, and it was they who first performed the piece and who generously offered to premiere at this concert, this release and may not be the basis of nature beyond our control and being postponed its concert premiere festive music to celebrate in April ... let's hope so. Furthermore
also noteworthy events to be held during 22 and 23 November, days when the music once again come out into the street and come back to see our friends for your clothing line and with the party in his face as joy. So be it and we are on the streets.
Forward to befall as we would link to the website of the Union St. Boniface Martyr celebrations where we can find the events to be held in such rare cases, and the days to be held these acts. Highlights this year's festive music concert day November 8 by the Virgin Music Association Remedy of Petrer , grouping that from here we want to thank their generous cooperation and unconditional support in what happens to the premiere of our pasodoble " The Munton , 25 anys i molt months, and it was they who first performed the piece and who generously offered to premiere at this concert, this release and may not be the basis of nature beyond our control and being postponed its concert premiere festive music to celebrate in April ... let's hope so. Furthermore
also noteworthy events to be held during 22 and 23 November, days when the music once again come out into the street and come back to see our friends for your clothing line and with the party in his face as joy. So be it and we are on the streets.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Power Poin De Travestis

It's been several months since Petrel held at the Moors and Christians in honor of St. Boniface Martyr. Celebrating 25 years of our foundation as a row belonging to the Student Comparsa and Festivals Petrel.
begin a new stage, which as you can check is based on austerity and meditation. I do not even make comments on this blog, and what is worse .... completely forgot we celebrate the birthday of the beloved creation of this means of communication between members of the "row the Munton" and festive community following us regularly. Valga this letter to congratulate ourselves, we are the creation of this blog and for having endured one year counting the most significant events that occurred during that period we hope to take another year and as necessary, so if .. . it is clear that the regularity with which published writings and comments on this site will not be far from as abundant as it was last year, but ... try to give precise references to the most significant events held and to hold ....
Without further
begin a new stage, which as you can check is based on austerity and meditation. I do not even make comments on this blog, and what is worse .... completely forgot we celebrate the birthday of the beloved creation of this means of communication between members of the "row the Munton" and festive community following us regularly. Valga this letter to congratulate ourselves, we are the creation of this blog and for having endured one year counting the most significant events that occurred during that period we hope to take another year and as necessary, so if .. . it is clear that the regularity with which published writings and comments on this site will not be far from as abundant as it was last year, but ... try to give precise references to the most significant events held and to hold ....
Without further
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Registro Para Pro Show
return to activity ... WE LIVE!
Well ... and we spent the holidays, surf and parties Elda .. so we hung back, but this time more loose ... As the thing loses thrust, here are some "photic" on Thursday night, has seen fit to spend a little friend in the row so that you are doing mouth of what was the last festival of Moors and Christians Petrel.
special mention this year's rain made an appearance during all events ... CAGON! ...
entire year without rain and had to do it at parties, and not subject to rain, deluge us, to make matters worse. It is clear that rain never please everyone ... in another year will end. Default login suspended and, instead, emotional parade on Monday morning and the holidays alrgamos until the afternoon ... no ill wind that blows no good ... and following the proverb and not comfort is not willing (or no). Lacking
ideas and, as the 25 anniversary has led them all, I have no more than invite a few days in which we will make comments on what happened during the past holiday

special mention this year's rain made an appearance during all events ... CAGON! ...

ideas and, as the 25 anniversary has led them all, I have no more than invite a few days in which we will make comments on what happened during the past holiday
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Very Wet Watery Mucus
We have the holidays just around the corner. The holidays are approaching and we are finalizing preparations. During the holiday period and a few more days, this blog will remain in coma and subsequent hangovers, so please apologize this situation and do not miss because once again regain a pulse and tell you what happened during the Moors Petrel and Christians.
"San Bonifacio !!!... i que mai fora had just"
We have the holidays just around the corner. The holidays are approaching and we are finalizing preparations. During the holiday period and a few more days, this blog will remain in coma and subsequent hangovers, so please apologize this situation and do not miss because once again regain a pulse and tell you what happened during the Moors Petrel and Christians.
"San Bonifacio !!!... i que mai fora had just"
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Store Fleshlight Houston
Yesterday we had a "bomb" at dinner we had in our barracks, it is the traditional dinner of brotherhood between the row and row Els Enchufats The Munton, This year being our 25th anniversary was fraught with surprises, comments and emotional speeches.
To start dinner attended about 30 students between Enchufats and Munton, which made the evening more enjoyable, but we miss those who could not attend ("tota fà paret pedra). Our Friends "Els Enchufats" honored us with a plaque commemorating our 25th anniversary and the culmination gave us a cake and candles for 25 years, do not miss the "Happy Birthday" and the traditional tune ".. I wish all .. " ... and watered it to make it official with English Cava (not champagne). Drinking coffee and were responsible for start the machine and in the end we parade to the plaza to the sound of "Ximo" and "Jaume first to Petra" as an improvised percussion and performed by members of The Els Munton and Enchufats.
Tired of being in the barracks we went to walk around Petrel finishing in the mega-barracks of the Crusaders, which was open until the end bebercio stocks that were allocated for such an important day. Ja
lack poc!!
Indtast Min Littlest Petshop Kode
Yesterday we had a "bomb" at dinner we had in our barracks, it is the traditional dinner of brotherhood between the row and row Els Enchufats The Munton, this year being our 25th anniversary was fraught with surprises, reviews and emotional speeches.
To start dinner attended about 30 students between Enchufats and Munton, which made the evening more enjoyable, but we miss those who could not attend ("tota fà paret pedra). Our friends from "Els Enchufats" honored us with a plaque commemorating our 25th anniversary and the culmination gave us a cake and candles for 25 years, do not miss the "Happy Birthday" and the traditional tune ".. I wish all .. " ... and watered it to make it official with English Cava (not champagne). Drinking coffee and were responsible for starting the machine and at the end we went on parade to the plaza to the sound of "Ximo" and "Jaume first to Petra" as an improvised percussion and performed by members of The Els Munton and Enchufats.
Tired of being in the barracks we went to walk around Petrel finishing in the mega-barracks of the Crusaders, which was open until the end bebercio stocks that were allocated for such an important day. Ja
lack poc!!
Yesterday we had a "bomb" at dinner we had in our barracks, it is the traditional dinner of brotherhood between the row and row Els Enchufats The Munton, this year being our 25th anniversary was fraught with surprises, reviews and emotional speeches.
To start dinner attended about 30 students between Enchufats and Munton, which made the evening more enjoyable, but we miss those who could not attend ("tota fà paret pedra). Our friends from "Els Enchufats" honored us with a plaque commemorating our 25th anniversary and the culmination gave us a cake and candles for 25 years, do not miss the "Happy Birthday" and the traditional tune ".. I wish all .. " ... and watered it to make it official with English Cava (not champagne). Drinking coffee and were responsible for starting the machine and at the end we went on parade to the plaza to the sound of "Ximo" and "Jaume first to Petra" as an improvised percussion and performed by members of The Els Munton and Enchufats.
Tired of being in the barracks we went to walk around Petrel finishing in the mega-barracks of the Crusaders, which was open until the end bebercio stocks that were allocated for such an important day. Ja
lack poc!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Presentación Powerpoint Travestis
other acts of This year's commemorations ... "The entraeta the 25 anniversary." The act in question took place last April 26 and got to have a good holiday.
coincide with the day of the brotherhood of Comparsa of Labradors, Row The Munton along with the champions, shields and captains who this year celebrates 25 years since they left as festive charges in 1983, we joined the pilgrimage to San Isidro, with marching band included, to the Shrine of St. Boniface Martyr of Petrel, once there was celebrated a thanksgiving Mass and at the end was held a parade to City Hall.
At night and after a dinner of brotherhood between the row Munton and Els Fila Enchufats with our respective partners and guests joined the festive café charges in 1983 and together we make the
entraeta 25 anniversary commemorative, in the course of Musical Association which had the Virgen del Remedio
touching kindness to us in such an important occasion pasodoble "The Munton, 25 anys i molt month." Pasodoble composed of Tomas Perez Santonja, neighbor and friend Castalla Line, who has enjoyed with us on several occasions of celebrations Petrel. As a result we paraded for the first time are our pasodoble, the
pasodoble "The Munton" which of course is very popular, as shown petrelenses of music experts. Hopefully that can be played in the holidays and another piece composed for a row of Petrel get success in the world of festive music.
other acts of This year's commemorations ... "The entraeta the 25 anniversary." The act in question took place last April 26 and got to have a good holiday.
coincide with the day of the brotherhood of Comparsa of Labradors, Row The Munton along with the champions, shields and captains who this year celebrates 25 years since they left as festive charges in 1983, we joined the pilgrimage to San Isidro, with marching band included, to the Shrine of St. Boniface Martyr of Petrel, once there was celebrated a thanksgiving Mass and at the end was held a parade to City Hall.
At night and after a dinner of brotherhood between the row Munton and Els Fila Enchufats with our respective partners and guests joined the festive café charges in 1983 and together we make the

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Portable Tv That Works With Alkaline Batteries
Covered and other acts that bring us closer to Moors and Christians.
On Sunday March 30 was held in the coming petrel being one of the most anticipated day for all festive petrelenses, the day of the flags. Before this day was held on Saturday 29 Proclamation of the festival of Moors and Christians, a crier of emergency Juan Miguel Reig, who knew how to delight the audience and television viewers with its "hook" stage, announcing the long awaited arrival of Moors and Christians Petrel.
Row The Munton, within the celebrations of its 25th anniversary, celebrated this day with Charanga "The Troublemakers" the town of Cieza, Murcia . The day started with a crowded lunch in their barracks and a coffee later they were invited all those festive and festive that day saw fit to come to our headquarters. The morning was complete and we could not get to attend the consecrated "pubs" of the place (and Carassa Tascamania), where, once dismissed the band and returned to normal, we became festive than to walk and enjoy the meetings with old friends.
The return to the station for lunch was uphill (as always), since from the Plaza of Spain to our barracks there is no choice but to go ... The afternoon passed from barracks to barracks by the Old Town routes crossing the Cuartelillos always willing to bars and drinks for friends.

Covered and other acts that bring us closer to Moors and Christians.

Friday, April 4, 2008
How To Use Digital Playground Coupon

On 9 February the Student Petrel Comparsa its traditional welcome dinner Tribute to Captain, which this year falls on the figure of David Mataix Cortés, who with her sister Beatrice, as flagship and Alicia Guerrero Brotóns as shield, charged up the festive Comparsa of Students for the year 2008.
During the course of the evening took place for this year's annual tribute has touched us, Filà The Munton, by age 25 within the Comparsa and within our party.
The tribute was very moving, performing the projection on giant screens Row photo The Munton in different years of his career accompanied by festive party music . Then we proceeded to the delivery of a plaque by the President of the Comparsa our lead partner, providing us paths plaques of appreciation to Comparsa Student Union and Festivities of St. Boniface Martyr .
From here to thank those who were with us in such an important occasion and especially our women who joined us and applauded with great enthusiasm, not to mention with great fortitude to bear the long meetings, unexpected events and the long hours of talks over this year we occasion by organizing the best year, the year of our silver wedding. For them and for them this deserved tribute is also, thanks for being with us, for your support and for your enthusiasm and know-how festive. A kiss and a hug to all of each of us and we hope that this year all together enjoy a memorable holiday.

The tribute was very moving, performing the projection on giant screens Row photo The Munton in different years of his career accompanied by festive party music . Then we proceeded to the delivery of a plaque by the President of the Comparsa our lead partner, providing us paths plaques of appreciation to Comparsa Student Union and Festivities of St. Boniface Martyr .

Saturday, March 22, 2008
(flash Memory Toolkit) 94fbr))

After a long semi-comatose after the party on March 1 and recovered the strength to return to the load, here we are again, with my batteries recharged and ready to give more "war" that never .. the holidays are coming and are a "bunch" of events to celebrate.
begin, then, for the final ceremony, the "Great party's 25th anniversary celebration of the Munton Row" held last Saturday March 1. The party was great, we were lucky to be wrapped up by about 600 people (according to government officials ), 2000 (according to unions ), but for the Munton row were about 598 people among which were two Gypsies and BURRA , more or less (it seems the title of a film). From here our most sincere congratulations to our friend, Lalo and his donkey for the outstanding role played by these tequilas and fresh that it had to offer with a smile, the Lalo clear that the donkey did not smile all night long. The contribution of tequila to increase the joy in the night did not take long to get noticed and ethyl level reached new heights even for members of our cherished Row.
On the other hand we have the flawless performance of the group and Lever Camb io "who played excellent renditions of pop-rock groups of 80-90, our younger years enormously. was like listening to U2 , Guns and Roses, The Cult , etc ... in live ... all a "real luxury" that we hand those who come to the party that night. In addition to dancing and chanting the band's live music, we had the opportunity to enjoy the current success with the brilliant collaboration of our DJ Fran enthralled us with their expertise and are known to move to different rhythms.
live performances and the massive influx of people wanting to party and have fun, the local closing time was postponed more than we had hoped, so the component members of Fila's Munton from this blog apologize to all those who may have been affected as a result.
Thanks and Congratulations from here to the porters for their reliability and impeccable control the entry, the waiters for their quick service and for the joy you gave us with his "glow" bebercios, girls of tickets for control money and for the support they had (especially late in the morning) the girls of " Jameson whiskey" for rejoicing sight, Lalo and his brother for his generous collaboration, the ass for not "jiñado" Campus, the board of the Student Comparsa Petrel for being so understanding with us, the residents of the Campus for so stoically endure the evening, the local police and Exmo. City Council Petrel by name in this letter and finally thank every single person who attended the party by joining in as snug and moving ceremony and have been enjoying them with a charming, funny and cool evening .
PS: According to reads the title of this writing "sex, alcohol and rock and roll" I know we had two of the three premises which are named ... the third, which we all know, had to wait a time to be carried out ... Or so some say!


live performances and the massive influx of people wanting to party and have fun, the local closing time was postponed more than we had hoped, so the component members of Fila's Munton from this blog apologize to all those who may have been affected as a result.
Thanks and Congratulations from here to the porters for their reliability and impeccable control the entry, the waiters for their quick service and for the joy you gave us with his "glow" bebercios, girls of tickets for control money and for the support they had (especially late in the morning) the girls of " Jameson whiskey" for rejoicing sight, Lalo and his brother for his generous collaboration, the ass for not "jiñado" Campus, the board of the Student Comparsa Petrel for being so understanding with us, the residents of the Campus for so stoically endure the evening, the local police and Exmo. City Council Petrel by name in this letter and finally thank every single person who attended the party by joining in as snug and moving ceremony and have been enjoying them with a charming, funny and cool evening .

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Esupplystore Discount Coupon
remember all those festive, friends and supporters of the Fila "The Munton" that the next day March 1 this year we will hold a commemorative party 25 anniversary of the founding of our row in the local office of the Student Petrel Comparsa " Campus "with the performance of the Pop Rock band" Palanca & Change " group that is sweeping the Valencian community and especially in our area, we will present an unparalleled master of ceremonies known to all from here to Peking, leaving its identity in the most absolute secrecy until the day of the feast, and the final surprise "party of the bar" party within the party where they exist where we can ..... . better not what you say and what the party PLEASURE.
Tickets for this important event has been put up for sale in the most representative and festive Petrel stores such as " Maribel Apparel "Boutique " Chiquets ", the trendy cafe in our population" The Shed ", the insurance agency most relevant local " AXA Insurance " by our colleague and friend David Rico and of course our grand unmistakable "Radio Petrer " radio station that keeps us informed of what happened in Petrel and the world and entertains us with songs of today and always.
That said, just note that, every member of the Fila "The Munton" have a certain number of tickets for sale and that you can contact any of them to acquire this precious document. The price of that paper is 10 Eypos which give right of direct access to local, to approach the bar and ask the guys who serve you a drink in the face, to listen and enjoy the songs performed by the group "Palanca & Change" and dance with the songs to be good enough to put the disc jockey , of \u200b\u200bcourse you are entitled to enjoy the company of members of the FILA and talk and laugh with who most appeals to you in those moments. The full glasses of any fluid element make us lose the sense of shame and help us be more sympathetic over the course of the evening are three Eurytus wing and clear liquid and combined "no fire water" (water and soft drinks) are Eypo and means ...
I think it is all the information needed to pass a pleasant evening .. . You may buy is just entry and choose us in droves to see us and enjoy our company. I hope on Saturday at 21.30 Zulu.
Tickets for this important event has been put up for sale in the most representative and festive Petrel stores such as " Maribel Apparel "Boutique " Chiquets ", the trendy cafe in our population" The Shed ", the insurance agency most relevant local " AXA Insurance " by our colleague and friend David Rico and of course our grand unmistakable "Radio Petrer " radio station that keeps us informed of what happened in Petrel and the world and entertains us with songs of today and always.
That said, just note that, every member of the Fila "The Munton" have a certain number of tickets for sale and that you can contact any of them to acquire this precious document. The price of that paper is 10 Eypos which give right of direct access to local, to approach the bar and ask the guys who serve you a drink in the face, to listen and enjoy the songs performed by the group "Palanca & Change" and dance with the songs to be good enough to put the disc jockey , of \u200b\u200bcourse you are entitled to enjoy the company of members of the FILA and talk and laugh with who most appeals to you in those moments. The full glasses of any fluid element make us lose the sense of shame and help us be more sympathetic over the course of the evening are three Eurytus wing and clear liquid and combined "no fire water" (water and soft drinks) are Eypo and means ...
I think it is all the information needed to pass a pleasant evening .. . You may buy is just entry and choose us in droves to see us and enjoy our company. I hope on Saturday at 21.30 Zulu.
Friday, February 15, 2008
What Does The Bottom Of Le Creuset Look Like
So says the song" Habanera de Cádiz " the illustrious Granada singer Carlos Cano and we The Row The Munton, give witness to this (speaking in religious terms that we have started this "" post "?) Since last Friday, February 1 illustrates nine components of our training got into a van headed for Cadiz costume at the ready, with the sole and exclusive purpose of enjoying
land, its people and, of course, those famous carnivals of Cadiz . The tenth component arrived by train from Madrid .. things work. The experience was unforgettable.
After a brilliant and hilarious journey (think nine friends locked in a van for eight hours, with three cases of beer, a case of whiskey and another of rum, soft drinks and food for a week ...) and after eight hours of driving, laughter, gossip
teas and anecdotes so we got to the "silver cup" , unloading luggage at the hotel and Tapas in the city, party, jokes, carnival everywhere, healthy people, more tapas, cervercitas, wine, more friends, more tapas , more beer, more wine .... blackout, a clean slate.
Saturday February 2 ... Where am I? ahhh! In Cádiz!, Because to enjoy it, quick breakfast and to the Town Hall Square , Prawns, cerveceo, glasses of wine, tapas (What a life "ehh?" What we would do ten guys lost to Cadiz?), Afternoon and copeteo cafeteo the center and the hotel to dress for y. .. "Voila" and we are Pocoyo of Alicante ... Return to center and ... beer, wine, drinks ...
tremendous amount of people who were in Cadiz that day, all easy going, super healthy people, each with his costume, asking, explaining and even staging that was the costume and we, as one would expect, explaining and representing the reason for our costume ... clear is that those who have children, nephews or little cousins \u200b\u200bwe knew instantly others instead
articulated the phrase that .. "Did You ???", that you are going to which we replied swift and happy ... of Pocoyo! .. "Little did .. that ???... In Pocoyo! .. And all the explanations and that the ten who went every 25 or 30 meters were trying to move forward, so it is not surprising that wee hours of the morning as we passed people chanted that of .. "Pocoyo Alicante, Alicante Pocoyo .."... Anyway that was really cool and gave the note in a city already notorious in itself, to go out in the TV news specifically of Antena 3 Domingo.
worst trip ... the dreaded back ... nine hours of "flagoneta" , tired, not wanting to just speak, dream, tight, hangovers and nine hours of driving ahead ... after a few sandwiches, a few cafes and a few vomiting at last we reached home safely ... What a pleasure to go home!
After a brilliant and hilarious journey (think nine friends locked in a van for eight hours, with three cases of beer, a case of whiskey and another of rum, soft drinks and food for a week ...) and after eight hours of driving, laughter, gossip
Saturday February 2 ... Where am I? ahhh! In Cádiz!, Because to enjoy it, quick breakfast and to the Town Hall Square , Prawns, cerveceo, glasses of wine, tapas (What a life "ehh?" What we would do ten guys lost to Cadiz?), Afternoon and copeteo cafeteo the center and the hotel to dress for y. .. "Voila" and we are Pocoyo of Alicante ... Return to center and ... beer, wine, drinks ...

worst trip ... the dreaded back ... nine hours of "flagoneta" , tired, not wanting to just speak, dream, tight, hangovers and nine hours of driving ahead ... after a few sandwiches, a few cafes and a few vomiting at last we reached home safely ... What a pleasure to go home!
Monday, January 28, 2008
How Much Seekers Allowance Am I Entitled To
The November 17 (last year), our beloved and birthday "Fila La Munton" was honored in the course of which has been popular festive music concert Petrel, a charge Society of the Musical Union petrel, and after the conclusion of the "Festa dels Capitans" festive commemoration of the half year and started giving for the events to be held until the arrival of the sought Fiestas de Moros
Petrel and Christians in the month of May (In the year 2008, 15 to May 19 for accuracy and information to our readers).
The tribute to the Fila La Munton was conducted by the Union of Celebration St. Boniface Martyr Petrel, giving the president of this organization, Don José Andrés Verdú Navarro, a painting commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary, our chief Partner.
On the other hand, the City Council of Petrel also joined the tribute ceremony, making delivery of hands by His Excellency Mr. Mayor Don Díaz Pascual Amat our beloved Lead Don Antonio Navarrete Gonzálvez or a replica of porcelain and scale, which until today is the bastion of our population, Castle Petrel.
The ceremony was very emotional in the music and the proximity of the Festa dels Capitans made to more than one hair stand we like hooks and put us the nerve in the stomach eager to awaken the feelings and music festivals, attached to it, produces.
made an appearance different personalities of the population including a large group of The Munton and could not forget our dear friend Cecilio, all-terrain Union and friend Jubilee Line, thanks which we now have graphic testimony of homage. Greetings from here to our friend Cecilio and sincere thanks for the pictures you have seen fit to give us and gladly.
With four months to the long-awaited holiday of Moros y Cristianos Petrel, the Fila Munton The agenda is replete with acts including include assisting Cadiz Carnival, the weekend of February 1, dinner at the Student Petrel Comparsa the next day, February 9, the various dinners and events with ranks and titles of the population festive and great party XXV anniversary celebration next March 1 in the Local Social Campus Petrel. We hope to hold out until Holidays.
The November 17 (last year), our beloved and birthday "Fila La Munton" was honored in the course of which has been popular festive music concert Petrel, a charge Society of the Musical Union petrel, and after the conclusion of the "Festa dels Capitans" festive commemoration of the half year and started giving for the events to be held until the arrival of the sought Fiestas de Moros

The tribute to the Fila La Munton was conducted by the Union of Celebration St. Boniface Martyr Petrel, giving the president of this organization, Don José Andrés Verdú Navarro, a painting commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary, our chief Partner.

The ceremony was very emotional in the music and the proximity of the Festa dels Capitans made to more than one hair stand we like hooks and put us the nerve in the stomach eager to awaken the feelings and music festivals, attached to it, produces.

With four months to the long-awaited holiday of Moros y Cristianos Petrel, the Fila Munton The agenda is replete with acts including include assisting Cadiz Carnival, the weekend of February 1, dinner at the Student Petrel Comparsa the next day, February 9, the various dinners and events with ranks and titles of the population festive and great party XXV anniversary celebration next March 1 in the Local Social Campus Petrel. We hope to hold out until Holidays.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Deluxe Securom
Gone Christmas and it seems that the hangover has lasted longer than desired, the years do not pass the bucket and we're becoming older, but we do not realize ... anyway ... better go past years we stay in a given year and already is not it, for that to continue the party!
On the subject before us this blog, and so long forgotten by the holiday season, say that one of the next most important events to celebrate this new year is the realization of a mega party Social Local Student Comparsa Petrel, on March 1, 2008 . The festival is designed for about 1000 people (maximum capacity of the building) and we will have the pleasure of seeing live performance of "Palanca & Change" , a group that performed pop-rock versions of the most cutting-edge of the decades. We are trying the actions of another group doing versions of songs from the current group, which already have the quota covered evening performances and entertained until the wee hours of the morning, and will comment on the subject. Another
acts ahead of the dinner Student Comparsa Petrel, which will receive a deserved tribute to our 25 year history festive, to be held on February 9.
We are to decide the dates for the dinner of former members Line, another dinner with our good friends, protectors, benefactors, etc, etc, etc, Els Enchufats. Lunch with neighboring rows of our barracks, the parade / entraeta of 25 years, and a little surprise that we have prepared over there which we will know soon .... good progress that I Cadiz carnival are close and are preparing a trip by members of the Fila La Munton to those lands and at that time to record our know-how festive (This will be discussed along and soon laying
As you can see we will have a busy year, so enjoy the holidays ....

Gone Christmas and it seems that the hangover has lasted longer than desired, the years do not pass the bucket and we're becoming older, but we do not realize ... anyway ... better go past years we stay in a given year and already is not it, for that to continue the party!
On the subject before us this blog, and so long forgotten by the holiday season, say that one of the next most important events to celebrate this new year is the realization of a mega party Social Local Student Comparsa Petrel, on March 1, 2008 . The festival is designed for about 1000 people (maximum capacity of the building) and we will have the pleasure of seeing live performance of "Palanca & Change" , a group that performed pop-rock versions of the most cutting-edge of the decades. We are trying the actions of another group doing versions of songs from the current group, which already have the quota covered evening performances and entertained until the wee hours of the morning, and will comment on the subject. Another
acts ahead of the dinner Student Comparsa Petrel, which will receive a deserved tribute to our 25 year history festive, to be held on February 9.
We are to decide the dates for the dinner of former members Line, another dinner with our good friends, protectors, benefactors, etc, etc, etc, Els Enchufats. Lunch with neighboring rows of our barracks, the parade / entraeta of 25 years, and a little surprise that we have prepared over there which we will know soon .... good progress that I Cadiz carnival are close and are preparing a trip by members of the Fila La Munton to those lands and at that time to record our know-how festive (This will be discussed along and soon laying
As you can see we will have a busy year, so enjoy the holidays ....
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