Forward to befall as we would link to the website of the Union St. Boniface Martyr celebrations where we can find the events to be held in such rare cases, and the days to be held these acts. Highlights this year's festive music concert day November 8 by the Virgin Music Association Remedy of Petrer , grouping that from here we want to thank their generous cooperation and unconditional support in what happens to the premiere of our pasodoble " The Munton , 25 anys i molt months, and it was they who first performed the piece and who generously offered to premiere at this concert, this release and may not be the basis of nature beyond our control and being postponed its concert premiere festive music to celebrate in April ... let's hope so. Furthermore
also noteworthy events to be held during 22 and 23 November, days when the music once again come out into the street and come back to see our friends for your clothing line and with the party in his face as joy. So be it and we are on the streets.
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