in 1995 by chance and I bought a book called curiosity November without violets, the first work of one Lorenzo Silva published by an obscure publishing house called "Editions libertarian." And I loved the book. As were the days without internet, had to spend more than fifteen years before I found out from exile this heresy that a Lorenzo Silva was becoming world famous in our country with a series of novels about a couple of Civil Guards. And yet it took another ten years for that series of novels finally fell into my hands, thanks to the wonderful idea that has had the authority to offer on pack for the electronic book reader for the price of laughter.
The second novel in the series, The Impatient Alchemist, was awarded the Nadal Prize in 2000 and is a delightful book that is read in one sitting, leaving a great taste. The detective plot is less than the height of the entanglements Scandinavian we are used today, but the author knows compensate with characters that, while some archetypal sin (can not get too deep into the psychology of a cast so wide in less than 300 pages), although these are drawn with brushstrokes very accurate and also produce some dialogues which are among the best ever written in our literature. Another important difference is that the current thrillers Lorenzo Silva proves to be an incurable optimist in regard to human nature: for his novel parading a series of wicked and unscrupulous characters, but also appear while a few men and women upright, principled, not necessarily nice but with a conscience and a strong sense of justice. And the best part is that these characters are entirely credible and capable of convincing even for a moment that all is not lost. Not every day has a body to postmodern skepticism.
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