locust Let includes opinion articles, extensive book reviews and reports that David Foster Wallace wrote for publications as diverse as the articles themselves between 1995 and 2005 approximately. DFW was a writer and university professor, so his journalistic work may have the whiff of professional intrusion by a successful writer hired by publications who want prestigious firms within its pages. But its articles are well built and are highly entertaining and informative, although the author's mania spread in all kinds of explanations in footnotes to the page (and in notes to these notes) can be irritating to readers designed to easily lose the thread narrative. The author argues that because sometimes the editor will remove all the digressions his article, sees no reason to be limiting. And indeed it does.
DFW is one of those authors with very specific opinions on topics dealing with articles, from the porn industry in the U.S. to consumption of locusts from the literature of John Updike, Kafka and Dostoevsky, or the misuse of language. But does not claim that his personal authority is the sole provider of such views, is concerned to substantiate their claims with data, quotes from authorities on the subject and very colorful examples. And do not forget his best weapon, a perfect and absolute mastery of language, combined with an exceptional narrative talent and humor that makes their texts accessible to everyone. Read articles someone who knows what he says and that she also knows how to speak to all audiences has become an increasingly unexpected pleasure, and this book offers some truly unforgettable pages. David Foster Wallace is a writer who deserves to be read, and this seems like a good book to start with at least one who is able to disregard the horrid cover.
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