This novel is extremely entertaining, but asks a lot of the credibility of the reader, the chance is an important engine of the plot, human kindness is too. Leo and Emmi known by chance because of an incorrect email and keep writing then is almost normal and even as new as one might think (epistolary friendship and love existed in all ages). Both are so strongly opposed to a personal encounter or even a photo sharing is more difficult to believe, but falls within the possible. What is already difficult to accept is the limitless goodness of the characters. Jealousy is a sign of love and never become unhealthy or violent toward understanding the other's weaknesses and anger verging on the improbable, and no action of the characters becomes petty, inappropriate, brutal, intemperate. Cyber \u200b\u200blove Emmi and Leo in Against the north wind is Platonism never seen since the days of courtly love.
With this novel reaches its conclusion, it is not just because the story continues in Every seven waves. But this is another novel, less fun and more bitter than its predecessor but where the characters reveal more imperfect, human and fallible and so much more credible. I recommend reading both books flip or not to read any of them, because the first novel without the latter has little reason to exist except as a fairy tale for adults cyber century.
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