- is for you.
- What? I do not want.
- Why?
- I do not need.
- No? Why do you think that.
- I have not done anything to anyone.
- Sure, I've done them all.
- I do not understand
- It's simple, what you would consider a personal achievement, they see it as a mirror reflecting his mediocrity and lack of courage to take the leap and will not remain indifferent. What do you expect? What applaud your success, beaming down? Never happen, shall endeavor to bring you down and prove you're a moron and a loser, never admit that you do because it would recognize that they do not do so without risking.
- It is no exaggeration
- Yes? What brought you here?
- Try to be free, to change things in society.
- Oh what do you think those who created this society, "only your enemies, not your relatives, your friends your love, all part of that what you're hiding. Remember that phrase have your friends close and your enemies closer?
- If
- is a hoax, you want to survive keep away from your enemies and your friends almost as far.
- And then that makes sense of all this?
- Your ideas, your works, you are able to do, people are not so important, friendship die, love dies, people die, the ideas remain, the heroes remain.
- I do not want to be a hero
"Well, you chose the wrong path, you chose to fight for them no matter what they do, you chose humanity over yourself. You wanted to be a hero? have stayed on your site, without complicating enjoying the small pleasures and deaf to the voices that torment you because he's a hero but one who does not do things for himself but for others.
- Sometimes I think I should do
- But you could not, could not you be one more, did you know they will never make you happy, you knew that you would frustrate and hurt those around you, you knew that you had to be a hero.
- How about you?
- like me.
- And this is to be a hero? How do battle after battle without changing anything and just end up old, lonely, paranoid and bitter?
- In large part, yes, there is always a point of bitterness in waging a war in which you know you will die long before you approach your side to victory if it ever arrives. Paranoid, it is impossible not to be paranoid in a war in which anyone can be an enemy. Only, how will not be only that which serves an idea that only a few are able to understand and even those to be sacrificed if necessary for this to succeed, if you must give concessions own relationships. Old, well that happens do you do if you're lucky. But those battles than just talking to change anything, these are everything. The feeling of fullness is reached in the smallest winning them is not comparable to anything, make you feel an omnipotent god, at least until you undertake the following. Ah! and the sense of leading others beyond themselves, to see them improve, grow and think for a second that change is possible, that's all give you the peace you seek, that's what really makes you different, that's what will set you free.
- What can not be without it? "He said, pointing to what he offered
- No, not without it not only with it. You can not create something solid and lasting only with fear, violence, lies and mindless slaves, that's what they do and look at what things have come. Education is needed to overcome the fear that information to set their lies and freedom, in a way that not many are willing to endure a full freedom of duties, not rights or beggars yo-yo-yo, a generous deeper meaning and human, born of intellectual conviction. It's turning a la masa en ciudadanos, en miembros útiles, según su capacidad, de la sociedad
- Vaya, eso suena algo mejor.
- Quizá, pero falta una parte, una en la que si es necesario esto-Dijo mostrándoselo de nuevo-.Cuando todo esto tan bonito empiece ¿Qué supones que harán ellos, quedarse de brazos cruzados? Irán a por ti y los que estén contigo con todo lo que tienen y si pueden quitaros del medio en cualquiera de los sentidos lo harán y mas vale que estés preparado cuando vengan, porque vendrán, a defender sus privilegios o simplemente su comodidad, los cambios nunca se acepten con facilidad y mucho menos por todos. Tendrás que defender tu causa y estando dispuesto a sacrificar your life for it You're not willing to sacrifice their own? Even if you were to succeed know that you oppose, will want to recover what they consider their own and not everyone can convince them, not everyone is going to change and accept a new order, senile stubbornness, by simple faith irrational or evil fight to recover what they gave an advantage without having to make merit.
noted the city lights in the dark carefully turned, picked up the blade sheathed in the hand of his partner, grabbed his belt and walked