Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Third Reich, Roberto Bolaño

I do not like plundering editorial to that seen under the creative legacy of a successful author after her death, leading to the publication for use and enjoyment for fans of every word written by this author leave regardless of the value or relevance of these texts. I read so Third Reich miracle and almost without trying. The funny thing is how much I liked it, I dare say that is one of the best books I've read Bolaño, and now they're few.

Another curious fact about this book is so classic structure that has, is a novel that tells a linear story with his approach, his knot and its aftermath. And the truth is that it does really well. The story of a German couple Holiday in the Costa Brava and the incidents that living with other tourists and local people could have lead to stereotyping, prejudices, preconceived ideas and tourism notes of local color. None of that is in the book, fortunately, Udo, the young German lover and expert wargames in the game "The Third Reich" the narrator is ignorant and clueless that as the novel progresses have increasing problems to find out what occurs and even to distinguish between fantasy and reality. In this way the story is gaining in amazement without actually ever separated from the routine of a coastal village at the end of the holiday season, and the environment will win precisely accuracy thanks to the protagonist's estrangement with his environment.

The Third Reich is a complete novel, though there is much to say but consciously, and with a perfectly finished off. With the bombing of Bolaño's posthumous texts are creating an image of this neglected author as a writer and chaotic, whose works give the impression of being left half done. But Third Reich is a novel that has stood by itself, and it is also understandable and easy (even enjoyable) to read without losing one iota of quality. The truth is I do not understand why not published during his lifetime. Or wanted to publish.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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The beautiful and sad, Yasunari Kawabata

This was the first Japanese book I read apart from the works of Murakami, my first Japanese "classic" so to speak. I've always had some misgivings about these works often receive qualifying Oriental as slow, stylized, elegant, all adjectives that have little to do with my personality. So it was a relief to find myself in this book with a story that can certainly be described as stylish and elegant, but I've had a slow.

The story of a stereotypical situation: Painter Otoko at sixteen had a relationship with Oki, a married writer and quite older. After years of separation he will look to Kyoto, where the painter lives with his student Keiko, and when Keiko Oki go home to take a few pictures Taichiro know your child. Fumiko, the wife of Oki complete this five-sided love triangle in which the characters hear the church bells, rocky overlook gardens or take tea served by geishas in kimonos while playing a tug of war for power, attraction and eroticism within the highest standards of styling and elegance.

Without any psychological explanation, with all the aesthetics of the cruelty of the Japanese who are able, the action is being woven into an ending that seems as inevitable is more blame. These kimono artists who call themselves weak and subject to the impulses of the heart, freed from the yoke appear more masculine than their London colleagues at the time that Doris Lessing portrayed in another great novel in the 60's, The Golden Notebook . But we know that comparisons are odious.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Summer Dinner

In Summer biographer tells how a recently deceased author is looking for several people who knew him for interviews and from his testimony to reconstruct the book in which the author was working before die, the third of his autobiography novel as it concerns his life in the 70's in South Africa. The plot thickens when we know that this author who has just died in Australia was John Coetzee, and the book he was working on would be the continuation of his earlier works Children and Youth , ie the book at hand. This time the author appeared to us not enough to make a third-person fictional account of his life as he did in the two previous books, this time also had to fake his own death and let others (and some notes from his journals) speak for him. This

portray alien life through testimony given to the novel a variety added because the respondents are not limited to talk about the dead author, but primarily and above all they talk about themselves and the time when they met John Coetzee. But to what extent can we give credence to such testimony? Respondents in the best have the facts from their perspective, many choose not to discuss certain issues and in some cases even suspect that we are telling a distorted version of history. All autobiography is a work of fiction about the life of one, it is said somewhere in this novel, and this applies both to the testimonies of people who knew the writer and the extracts from the diary that writer maintained. Journalistic tone and realistic not only underscores how little we really know about others and about ourselves.

Summer is one of the best books I've read. A book with a very complicated planning and construction, which causes dizziness who tries to imagine all the different layers of reality that is contained therein. And at the same time, and this is my essence, a book of simple and clear invoice, which can be read in one sitting and is accessible to any reader. A book that proves that one need not be boring or unintelligible writing novels groundbreaking, deep, committed and innovative. If not I had already given the Nobel to the author, it should only be given by this book. And give not reach the Booker Prize for the third time is simply a disgrace.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lump In The Floor Of Th Mouth

JM Coetzee, Herman Koch Chronic

This book, just published in Spain a few years after being swept in the Netherlands (where the author is best known as television personality) I have left a bad taste in the mouth and lower body still . The issues raised are not easy, despite the deceptive lightness of tone in the beginning, and the structure is designed to be providing a shock after another the unwary reader, hence the argument count for nothing because the surprise factor is fundamental to reading. But I'm not bothered by the lack of sensitivity of the author nor his hardness in presenting uncomfortable issues, which has left me rather worse has been the dehumanization that follows the set, the spoiled selfish beings for whom their own happiness comes Above all things, and certainly beyond his peers.

A novel theme so hard and structure based on sleight of data to the reader (in fact it is told in first person by a narrator as subjective and unreliable) would require an author with a very precise work plan and perfect mastery of the subject novel. And here is where the whole network fails, Herman Koch's novel is gets out of hand midway and has to stop resolving the situation as best they can, which to my taste is not too well. It is a brave book by an author who dares dared to say uncomfortable truths that many prefer to keep quiet, but unfortunately the message is lost in the tangle of argument where you just wrecked the story. A pity.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Dawn is no errant blade bit

closed the door of the room so many times he had entered his first night at this hotel, family loneliness, silence full of questions that he refused to answer. He lay on the bed and wrapped himself in one of the many sheets of those who never felt the touch. He tried to remember a past more comfortable and fall asleep but it was impossible. Jumped out of bed full of energy and realized that I had nothing to do. Five in the morning, returning at night was not an option. He returned to bed, helpless, exhausted, thinking the sun will rise tomorrow.
The sun came out and I miss the night where everything seems unreal and there is always the hope that daylight.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Numbness Kidney Stone

city, Jonathan Lethem

I started to read me this book without having the slightest idea who he was Jonathan Lethem, or what was this novel. I put the book totally blind and I think the best way to do it, that holds many surprises that will be revealed to the reader with the same subtlety and lack of cash as they appear in the work itself. It is fascinating how a book with an argument so vague and elusive as it may have as strong a narrative structure, with a beginning, middle and end perfectly defined.

The characters are scrumptious, there really is no "bad" or "good" throughout the book, each one does what he must do as the role it has played in history, and it plays more degrees of success according to their qualities and personal circumstances. Perkus is the image of what was the city of New York in its golden age back in the seventies, yet the sad reminder of his decline. While other characters such as Richard, Oona and Chase have been able of converting to the new situation, not to end up like Perkus converted into a kind of polar bear on an ice sheet in the ocean.

There is no room for authenticity in this city reduced to a minimum by the iron hand of a charismatic mayor and external attacks that no one speaks. Manhattan dwellers prefer to live a life free of war "as the paper they read, but is equally false that life simulation games that play parallel computer. In this world it is difficult to know what is truth and what is a lie, resulting in an entertaining and compelling read that makes one think long and hard.