Monday, October 10, 2005

Pros And Cons Of Plaque Removal

63 - Aburto, neutral and Wright

En estos últimos días estoy leyendo un par de libros que son bastante interesantes. En primer lugar el libro "Rafael Aburto, architect. The other modernity "Iñaki Bergera, belonging to the collection Arquithesis. Get Aburto convey the personality to the point of being affectionate without knowing and understanding and can not be separated in many characters, his work with his life. Aburto is an introverted character , who has never wanted to turn its architecture in the media, so far from what is currently in vogue. It is curious its near disappearance of the architectural scene unconsciously displaced by new generations renovadoras.Actualmente can attend as not, another exhibition on the Archery work in the Nuevos Ministerios in Madrid.

And the second is a small joya.Se is the book "RJNeutra" published in 1968 by the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction and Cement. Apart from reviewing the work of Neutra contains a series of writings and experiences sent to F. Cassinello Neutra, after meeting him after his visit to Spain, for publication. The first part is very interesting especially when he recounts his beginnings in the architecture of the hand of Loos and Frank Lloyd Wright. This last comment as impressed by their first houses on the prairie, he decides to go to America to know and to get there is surprised that the situation described the owners. As an example quoted the Robie house to be built fifteen years had changed five times a tenant.


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