Thursday, October 27, 2005

Telechargerpokemon Frigo Returns

71 - Steven Hollo

One of the international architects who first drew my attention several years ago by Steven Holl through their apartment in Fukuoka. Since then I have liked follow its path. And he has built several iconic works for me as the Residence for the MIT Simmons Hall by the Baker House by Alvar Aalto. Visiting their website here note that over the Pratt Institute in New York and back again to amaze me. It's nice to watch as a number of seemingly everyday items has created its own language, most recognizable in all its work without getting a sculptural gestures that characterize and make reconocibles.Como result of all this comes a close and understandable architecture. As simple and as difficult as that.

Simmons Hall, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Pratt Institute Higgins Hall Center Wing, Brooklyn, New York


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